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After I (more or less) finished my 1966 Volkswagen Fastback the "Volksback", it was time for another challenge, here it is!

Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

The engine: let the fun begin!

I started to work on some engine components. The I-beam con rod bolts were first in line:

My new toy was very helpful, a jewelers scale with an accuracy of 0,05 grams!

I removed some material on the tip of the heavier ones, now all bolts are exactly 25,50 grams!

Now, on to the I-beam con rod assemblies, The difference from heaviest to lightest was 3,5 grams. After some fine tuning: Here are 4 different pics, but their weight is exactly spot on now!

Rod #1

 Rod #2

Rod #3

Rod #4

Also, I hauled a few more parts from my latest trip to the States:

lightweight piston wrist pins,  ChroMoly cylinder head studs (in M8 and M10), single
hi-rev valve springs, valve spring retainers; oil pressure boost kits, Crankshaft spacer - and the I-beam con rod set - which I marked as fine tuned.

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

Hau Ruck!

Arbeiten am Feiertag? Nach dem Neujahrskaffee mal eben die Karosserie auf's Chassis gehoben...

Danke an alle Helfer!